
Tinnitus and Stress

Tinnitus is mostly seen and treated as a circulatory disorder in the inner ear. Researchers have, however, found other factors influencing the treatment of tinnitus. In a continuing study at the medical school in Hanover, Germany, the researchers discovered the degree to which the patient’s general well-being plays a role in connection with tinnitus. While […]

What Should I Expect at My First Hearing Appointment?

Being proactive with your hearing health is a great help to your general well-being. With all medical appointments, it’s helpful to know what will happen before you arrive for your appointment. Procedures vary from one professional office to another, but here’s a general idea of what you might expect during your first hearing appointment. Filling […]

How Hearing Loss Affects the Entire Family

One of the reasons people don’t bother to get their hearing checked is that they think that a possible hearing loss only affects them. After all, they’re the ones with the trouble hearing, why should it be a problem for anyone else? The truth is the inability to hear can have a big impact on […]

The True Cost of Hearing Aids

The value of hearing aids, like many other products, is comprised of more than just the initial purchase price of the hearing aid itself. Choosing a premium quality hearing aid is a smart investment for numerous reasons. The components used in the manufacturing of top-quality hearing aids help provide you with a better quality of life […]

Top Causes of Acquired Hearing Loss

One might think that losing the ability to hear well is an inevitable part of growing older, but that’s only one of many reasons people suffer from hearing loss, tinnitus and balance disorders. While we cannot stop the aging process, there are other factors that affect hearing and balance symptoms that are important to know […]

Hearing Loss After a Stroke

You may already know that strokes can lead to paralysis, trouble speaking and swallowing, memory and reasoning issues and more. You may not know, however, that strokes can also cause hearing loss. If you or a loved one has suffered a stroke, there are some signs that you can look out for. Of course, in […]

How Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Life

Hearing affects so many other aspects of our lives, there is more at stake than just having occasional difficulty in conversations. And with the recent advancements in hearing technology, you may be able to find a piece of technology that is very discrete and dramatically improves your quality of life. Below are some of the […]

Hearing Aid Repairs: What Can You Expect

You depend on your hearing aids to get through your day. When they need repairs, you don’t want to rely on a company that simply ships out all its repairs to a factory across the country or around the world. We are able to do almost all of our patients’ hearing aid repairs right here […]

You Are Not Alone – Celebrities with Hearing Loss

Many people who suffer from hearing loss often feel like they are alone in their struggle. But in reality, many types of hearing loss are extremely common, and they even affect some of the most famous and successful people on the planet. Here are some examples of celebrities who face the realities of hearing loss […]

Noise is not alone in causing Tinnitus

Noise is a key cause of tinnitus but not the only one. Middle ear and sinus infections cause almost as many cases of tinnitus and serious neck injuries increase the risk of suffering from tinnitus by more than one third. These were the conclusions based on an Australian study, conducted among 2,015 people over the […]

6 Ways to Customize Your Hearing Protection

Protecting your hearing is an important aspect of engaging in numerous everyday activities and hobbies. Sometimes though, the one-size-fits-all, generic options out there might not work for a variety of reasons, and you might find yourself tempted to forgo hearing protection. With today’s technological advances, however, there are a number of custom options to choose […]

Firearms, Hearing Aids and Hearing Loss – What You Need to Know

As is the case with most new experiences, it can take some time for someone who has recently suffered from hearing loss to adjust to wearing hearing aids during day-to-day activities. This adjustment period can be especially challenging if the person wearing the hearing aids enjoys hunting or shooting firearms recreationally. The Impact of Firearm Noise […]

October is National Protect Your Hearing Month

Many of us go through our everyday lives without stopping to think about our hearing, which is why National Protect Your Hearing Month is so important. Awareness of the potential dangers of hearing loss is important because it affects a large number of people, and noise-induced hearing loss is completely preventable. However, once the damage is done […]

The Future of Hearing Aids

Modern hearing aids are sophisticated devices that go beyond simple amplification of sound. Sophisticated sound processing may be employed to help the user separate the sounds that are desired from extraneous sounds that interfere with hearing and attending to the sounds of intertest.  Manufacturers are continuing to design and improve innovative features for hearing devices […]

What is the Best Way to Clean My Ears?

You’ve probably heard that you shouldn’t use cotton swabs to clean out your ears, but what should you do if they become blocked? Earwax, otherwise known as cerumen, is a thick substance your ear produces in order to protect itself. It generally moves outward in the ear canal from the movement of your jaw when […]

Patient Spotlight: Jerry’s Journey to Better Hearing

Hearing is a critical part of being able to function in everyday life. Even when one’s hearing problem isn’t yet obvious, that person’s quality of life can be negatively affected. We need hearing for many activities and it’s not something that many of our patients recognize until they begin having difficulty hearing. Our patient Jerry […]

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